Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Logic Pro X - Changing the Space Between the Treble and Bass Clef (Staff - Score Editor)

It took me a few minutes of fishing around to figure this out in Logic Pro X (10.2.2).

If you have an instrument that uses a staff system (e.g. piano, which uses a treble and bass clef in a staff system) and you would like to adjust the space between the two staves for better readability and/or printing, here's how to do it:

1. Click on the MIDI region to select it (Tracks area - main top right part of Logic).
Select region in Logic Pro X

2. Click on Score(next to Piano Roll) in the Editor area below the Tracks area. Then click on the Layout menu and choose Show Staff Styles.

3. In the new window that appears, double click on numbers under the Space header, type in new numbers, and hit Enter. You should see the space between the staves change.

In my case, the two staves were shoved together, causing note stems to overlap, so I added some space to each staff, and no more collisions.